Sunday, February 7, 2016

Fairy Tail Theme Violin Score

Hi all,

It has been so long since the last update. I know I have made a resolution to have at least monthly update this year, but January has passed without anything (so I guess resolutions work for me like they do for many other...). I do hope I can do more though, there is a whole list of requests piling up, so stay tuned!

This is the violin score the Fairy Tail main theme. This time the score is a little different than others, as I divided it into segments. The reason is simply because in the original (video above) there is a cool guitar riff that is repeated while other layers are added onto it. In other words, it is up to you to choose which theme to play where; all the notes are there.

I know Youtuber Taylor Davis also made a beautiful rendition of the song. It is just a slower and shuffled version of the themes, so if you would like to follow this arrangement instead, I believe you can figure out where to play each theme by yourself.

So below is the download link to the score. Enjoy!

Oh, and for those of you who celebrate Lunar New Year, have a wonderful year ahead!

Fairy Tail Theme
Violin Score (click on the photo to download)